Consuelo Cavaniglia, untitled (ruby gold extra), 2022
Laws tend to govern collections of assorted things. To gather flowers: greek legein – together, greek anthos - flower, greek logia - collection. As in a medley, a collection of diverse and assorted things. In particular order. Not in chaos. Laws govern the collection of things.
As a collection, the aim of this exhibition is to select particular things that correspond and share a likeness, or form harmonious contrasts and connections. We can think of the collection of thematically linked things, that affect or imprint on the world, as being more or less persuasive than one single example.
A.N.T.H.O.L.O.G.Y is a collection of artists, poets and practicing musicians who share the contemporary moment. These ‘things’ that are collected are located in the area we call abstract and non-objective art. A.N.T.H.O.L.O.G.Y is an ongoing curatorial effort by SNO Contemporary Art Projects or Sydney Non Objective.